Mr. Jeff Waplak, MA, RP

Clinical Director

Jeffrey is a founding partner of Stevenson, Waplak & Associates holding the role of Clinical Director is responsible for treatment planning, case management, assessment, and individualized therapy across SWA, and Applewood Academy. Following completion of a graduate degree in Clinical Psychology Jeffrey has worked in both the private and public sectors, across community-based and hospital-based clinical programs.

Jeffrey is active within the educational community being a Board Member and Chair of the Long-Range Planning committee at Albert College, and Chair of the Program Advisory Committee for the Child and Youth Care Program at Loyalist College. In 2017-2018 and 2018-2019, he is 1st Vice President of Ontario Association of Residence Treating Youth (OARTY) an organization that provides comprehensive treatment and support systems to over 2000 individuals per day with mental health, developmental, or complex medical needs that impacts on their day to day functioning. The Presidency of this organization will follow in coming years.

Either in person, a call, or by e-mail Jeffrey is pleased to assist directly with therapy, coordinate a treatment plan, and if needed brainstorm with you on resources within your own local community for assistance closer to home.