We provide mental health services to Ontario residents, including assessments, individual treatment & group therapy.

We’re located in Belleville and service clients from Trenton, Cobourg, Kingston, Peterborough, and surrounding areas.

Contact us when you’re ready. We can help.

Mental Health Services Belleville

SWA provides mental health services in our Belleville Ontario office. We are a private group of mental health care professionals. We represent the disciplines of Psychology, Social Work, Psychiatry, Medicine and Counselling. Our mental health services include counselling, assessments and consultative services. We provide these services to individuals and couples, children and teens, families and groups, and corporations. We offer services to clients in the areas of Belleville, Kingston, Trenton, Cobourg, and Peterborough.

Our offices are completely accessible. We offer a confidential, therapeutic environment. Our principal measures of success are client outcome and satisfaction.

Our Process

Our 4-step process is designed to:

  • provide a comfortable and respectful environment
  • identify the client’s needs
  • plan treatment goals and service activities to address the client’s needs
  • implement the plan within a supportive, therapeutic framework

Our Vision

Our vision is that our clients will have the resources to cope with adversity so that they may experience a better quality of life, with healthier relationships and supports; improved psychological and emotional wellness; and greater confidence and determination toward reaching their potential.


Stevenson Waplak also operates Applewood Academy Therapeutic Boarding School.

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