
Sleep When You’re Dead? The Importance of Sleep

What do we know about the importance of sleep? “There will be plenty of time to sleep when you’re dead,” said Benjamin Franklin, inventor and one of America’s founding fathers. Of course, if you follow that logic too closely, you might die sooner. European researchers have found that people who sleep six hours or less… Continue reading

Five Tips For Mental Well-Being In 2013

For some, the slower pace during the holidays is a chance to recover from stress, fatigue and physical exhaustion. For others, it’s a time to relax with family and friends, and to find personal time that can be hard to fit in at other times of the year. But what can you do when the… Continue reading

Mental Health Events in day planner

Mental Health Events: Our List Of National Events for 2013

Every year, mental health events are organized by  groups across Canada. These events and campaigns highlight specific issues to raise awareness among the general public. While many mental health events and activities take place locally, they’re often connected to larger movements that happen around the country—or events around the world. Organized by general category, following… Continue reading


Postpartum Depression: What It Is, What To Do About It

Bringing a new baby into the world is a time of significant adjustment, generally with an underlying feeling of happiness and hope. For many women this change, in addition to wildly fluctuating hormones, can bring on a case of the “baby blues”. A smaller number of new moms, and sometimes new dads, struggle with a… Continue reading


Tracking Happiness: Mental Health Apps For Your Smartphone

Can a smartphone bring you happiness? Not really. However, a growing selection of apps is making it easier to improve your mental health with a little help from your cell phone. While happiness isn’t synonymous with good mental health, there’s no question that good cheer trumps feeling depressed, overwhelmed or stressed out. Good mental health,… Continue reading


Free Mental Health Assessments Provide Information People Can Use

On Wednesday, Oct. 3, Stevenson, Waplak & Associates (SWA) offered free mental health assessments as part of Mental Illness Awareness Week; SWA wanted to give people in the community a chance to get accurate information about questions they might have. “One of our goals was just to get people talking,” said Jeff Waplak, clinical director… Continue reading


A Day In the Life of a Clinical Mental Health Pro

When you have a career in the mental health field, every day is different. The field of psychology offers a lot of different branches to choose from; the work done by Stevenson, Waplak & Associates offers a distinctly hands-on approach. “This isn’t for everyone, but it is unique and very rewarding,” said Jeff Waplak, clinical… Continue reading


To Medicate or Not? Results-Based Mental Health Treatment

“Medication” and “mental illness”: Two terms that evoke a broad range of emotions. Some people view pharmaceuticals as an effective solution while others are wary of overmedication, particularly in children. Stevenson, Waplak & Associates (SWA) follows a holistic approach that considers medications alongside other possible types of treatment. “Medications are just one possible intervention: Not… Continue reading


Free Mental Health Assessment A Chance to Get Accurate Information

Sept. 30 to Oct. 6 is Mental Illness Awareness Week, dedicated to raising the profile of health issues that impact every Canadian but most are afraid to discuss. According to the Mental Health Commission of Canada, 2 in 3 people suffer in silence because they’re afraid of judgement and rejection. On Wednesday, Oct. 3, local… Continue reading