Parent Training

Tired of reading parent training article after parent training article? Is taking parenting course after parenting course helping? Making changes and still feeling like your family could be doing better?

How about a personalized intervention based on the principles of Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) for families? Our approach integrates knowledge about your specific circumstances and develops parental, couple, and child-centered goals.

At Stevenson & Waplak, our approach to the family is inclusive. Each person develops into a strong family member within an extended family – and within the community in which they live. Our strategy is personalized, based on our understanding of the whole family unit.

We deal with a broad spectrum of problems including but not limited to:

  • Strong emotions
  • No emotion
  • Aggressive behaviour
  • Avoidant behaviour
  • Sleeping constantly
  • Not sleeping
  • Excessive computer use
  • Yelling and screaming
  • The “silent treatment”

At Stevenson & Waplak we offer individual therapy, family therapy, or couples therapy to understand the role of each action within the context of your whole family unit.

Our Parent Training is about you.

  • Come learn about you and your family.
  • Come learn about the role of the behaviour.
  • Come learn substitute skills.
  • Come learn to experience more positives and reduce negative impacts on your family.

We’re here to help now.

  • We offer a free intake call.
  • We’ll set you up with the right therapist to meet your needs.
  • You’ll see someone within 5 days, not 2 months.
  • We’ve been offering treatment for a long time – since 1999

Harness the thinking power of the team at Stevenson & Waplak to help your family.

Let’s talk

Fill in the form or call us at 613-967-0545 to get the process started.